Step Away from the Screen...
Written By: Angie Voss, OTR
The concept of "Look Up" is so terribly sad and with much greater consequence than most realize. Not only the obvious reasons discussed in this incredible video...but the sensorimotor impact and deprivation of essential forms of sensory input are overwhelming. Here are a few examples, although there are many, many more....
- When the head and neck is in constant flexion with shoulders rounded forward, it has a negative impact on posture and back/neck health.
- The brain and nervous system thrive and depend on neck extension for self-regulation...this activates the brainstem, which promotes self-regulation. Looking down at a screen allows for ZERO neck extension.
- Our arms are intended to move through full range of motion throughout our daily activities, this provides proprioception to our upper body via joint traction and compression...with the arms tucked in and hands barely moving, we deprive the brain and nervous system of essential sensory input.
- The visual system needs stimulated via full visual tracking, scanning, and visual perception..we are depriving the visual system of critical information with our eyes glued to a 3-5 inch screen.
Parental discretion may be indicated when viewing the "Look Up" video below. At one point in the video, the language used may not be suitable for all viewers. Being that this website is intended for parents and caregivers of children, and all other videos on this website are appropriate and recommended for children to watch, I thought it would be best to bring this to attention. For our older children and especially teenagers, I feel this video is very important to watch for the full impact. (I wish I could bleep out the one word!)
Please Limit Screen Time
(TV, video games, computer, handheld devices, iPads, phones, etc)
The problem is...our brains haven't changed, but we have.
Our society has changed SO much and at such a rapid pace, simply leaving no room for the basics and the important stuff for the brain. With technology simply taking over our lives the important sensory input is pushed aside. And as adults we can tolerate and handle this better...because our brains are finished developing...but our children on the other hand...they need to be moving and playing! Just imagine the negative impact this has on a child with sensory processing difficulties.
(TV, video games, computer, handheld devices, iPads, phones, etc)
- Research on the brain suggests that an infant/toddler should not be exposed to any screen until the age of three years old. The brain NEEDS the crucial and critical sensory input of vestibular, tactile, and proprioceptive input for the brain to develop a foundation for all of the developmental milestones and higher level skills needed in life (such as academic, language, and social). The visual input received from screen time is NOT beneficial for brain development! So when a little one is in front of a screen/TV, they are being deprived of the essential sensory experiences in which their brain really needs. The concept of "Baby Einstein" is a disgrace in my eyes. Sure the music part is wonderful...but to encourage a baby to be in front of a screen is a disservice to that baby.
- The average child in America gets 6-8 hours of screen time a day...probably more. And there are now public service campaigns encouraging one hour of movement a day, it should be the exact opposite!
- The recommended amount of screen time in a day for any child over 3 years old is no more than 2 hours...and if your child goes to a daycare, preschool, or public school, it is almost guaranteed the child already had 2 hours of screen time before they even came home for the evening.
- We all need the proper sensory nutrition, not just our kids....and we all need to limit our screen time to no more than 2 hours.
- Without the proper amount of proprioceptive and vestibular input, all of our brains are negatively impacted...not just children with sensory challenges. It effects mood, emotions, the ability to concentrate, the sleep/wake cycle, overall health and well being, and relationships with others.
The problem is...our brains haven't changed, but we have.
Our society has changed SO much and at such a rapid pace, simply leaving no room for the basics and the important stuff for the brain. With technology simply taking over our lives the important sensory input is pushed aside. And as adults we can tolerate and handle this better...because our brains are finished developing...but our children on the other hand...they need to be moving and playing! Just imagine the negative impact this has on a child with sensory processing difficulties.
- A good rule of thumb is to AT LEAST balance your child's day with the same amount of time in true sensory play as time spent in front of a screen of any kind. If your child spends one hour in front of the computer...then you follow up with one hour of sensory play...preferably involving vestibular and proprioceptive input.
- So many people spend TONS of money on electronics and gaming systems and as much, or more needs to be spent on creating a sensory environment in the home, such an an indoor swing, a BOSU ball, a pillow cave, hippity hop ball, scooter board, etc. For the price of a WII or XBOX, you can buy ALL of your essential sensory equipment!
- HAVE YOUR CHILD PLAY OUTSIDE. In every season. Every single day. It is more than the 3 big power sensations, it is about the fresh air, and the sunshine, and the true spirit of being a kid.
- As the adult and/or the parent, be very aware of this and join in on the sensory play to get your own sensory needs met too and to spend quality time with your kid! The brain responds best to purposeful and meaningful play.
- Challenge your family to one day a week of no screen time what so's a beautiful go ahead...start right now, stand up, look up, and go see what the real world has to offer today....